This is our main pledge raising event to raise money for the Pink Ribbon Riders, it's not only for snowmobilers but for everyone!
We encourage you to your invite family and friends.
Each event will be unique in its own way, so please check out each states’ individual Snow Run page for details and how to participate. All events are based on raising pledges and depending on the level you goal yourself is the more fun you can have and the more you can help a person in need. Goal yourself at $500.00 and help one patient in need. That’s what the PRR program gives a patient when they apply to us. Or goal yourself to be the top fundraiser and help as many patients as you can. Top fundraisers will be recognized with lots of goodies from our supporting companies.
The Snow Run’s are open to both men and women and we encourage you to show your “PINK” at the event day. The best themed outfit always wins a prize.
New in 2025 – Support from Home
Can’t attend an event in person but want to support patients in your state? Sign up from FREE to gain access to our online fundraising platform to raise pledges. Pledges raised will cound towards your states event and patients. You will receive a thank you gift for pledges raised. Simply choose the Support from Home option when signing up.
What is the Snow Run Tour?
The Snow Run Tour is our main pledge raising event to raise money for the Pink Ribbon Riders, What is the PRR?
What is the Snow Run Tour?
The Snow Run Tour is our main fundraiser and isn't just for snowmobilers! We all come together for this event to raise money for the men and women diagnosed with breast cancer. Each patient gets $500 that they can use how they would like. What are you waiting for? Sign up for free today and start raising pledges!
Why should you attend a snow run?
Money raised at events directly supports a patient in need in your state. Patients recieve $500 to help during their battle.