Questions & Answers

Who are the Pink Ribbon Riders?
Answer: The Pink Ribbon Riders are snowmobile and motor sports enthusiasts who volunteer their time and effort to putting on our events and help those in need. To learn more about the history of Pink Ribbon Riders, click here.

Are the Pink Ribbon Riders a non-profit organization?
Answer: Yes. Pink Ribbon Riders is a 501 C(3) not-for-profit organization, and incorporated in the State of Michigan.

Where does the money go? 
Answer: As a non profit 501(c)(3) org PRR provides direct financial assistance to both men and women that are currently in treatment for breast cancer. The assistance is given in a gift form of $500 to the patient. Patients apply for the assistance through an app process that can be found on this website. For application information see here.

The patient assistance program is made available to patients in the states in which we fund raise. Currently those states are NY, MI, MN, WI, WY, ND. Upon financial availability the program helps patients in the states where our participants and donors are from.

Further Details: We cannot share names with the public of who we have assisted as they are protected by HIPAA Rules. But, we often make public appearances with recipients as part of our awareness tour.

How can you help? 

  1. Make a financial donation
  2. Donate your time as a volunteer
  3. Donate professional services or products.

*The generosity of our donors is critical as we continue our efforts to help breast cancer patients both men and women.

Why donate to the Pink Ribbon Riders? 
Answer: We simply can’t make a difference without you.

If I choose to donate to the Pink Ribbon Riders, how will my money be used? 
Answer: Your donations will be used to support men and women in need, that have been diagnosed with breast cancer.

We try and help everyone that applies, as long as fund are available.

Can you help us make a connection?
There are many costs with holding an event, and the Pink Ribbon Riders try very hard to search out companies and those who can help eliminate costs so that a higher percentage of the funds raised go directly back into the mission of helping others.

If you have a company, or know of someone that would like to help offset the costs of an event, please contact us. In kind services are needed as well as event sponsorships at all levels.

For more information or to donate as a supporting sponsor please contact us.
Questions? Please email us.

Donate by Mail
Please print the donation form complete and mail back to:
Pink Ribbon Riders
5420 Beckley Rd, Suite 334
Battle Creek, MI 49015

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